Sample ST-5C images:

The following sample images were taken with 8 - 10" LX200 SCT telescopes in cities with average seeing conditions and with light to moderate light pollution:

mars_99_05_10_ac.jpg (52852 bytes) Mars.  ST-5C images taken through a 10" SCT at f/20.

Courtesy   Antonio Cidadao.


M51.  One 5 minute image taken with an ST-5C through an 8" SCT at f/4 using the ST-5C focal reducer.  Processed with CCDSHARP.  Alan Holmes and Michael Barber / SBIG


M106. Three 10 minute ST-5C images co-added with CCDOPS and processed with CCDSHARP.  Taken through a 10" SCT at f/5.  Michael Barber / SBIG


m109ca.gif (60632 bytes) M109.  Three 10 minute ST-5C images co-added with CCDOPS and processed withCCDSHARP.  Taken through a 10" SCT at f/5.  Michael Barber / SBIG


jupiter_rgb_ac.jpg (22860 bytes) Jupiter.  ST-5C image taken through a 10" SCT at f/20.

Antonio Cidadao


M82. One 60 second ST-5C image taken through a 10" SCT at f/5.  Processed with CCDSHARP.  Michael Barber / SBIG


saturn_99_09_27_ac.jpg (10561 bytes) Saturn.  ST-5C image taken through a 10" SCT at f/20.
Courtesy Antonio Cidadao


N6946_5C.jpg (54445 bytes) NGC6946.  Three 5 minute ST-5C images taken through a 10" SCT at f/3.15 using the ST-5C focal reducer.  Processed with CCDSHARP.   Michael Barber / SBIG


M1.  Track and Accumulate image consisting of three 1 minute exposures taken through a 10" SCT at f/6.3.  Processed with CCDSHARP.  Michael Barber / SBIG


moonmb.jpg (109657 bytes) MOON.  Mosaic of six ST-5C images each 0.01 seconds.  Taken through a 105 mm f/6 AP refractor and blue filter. Michael Barber / SBIG

Revised: October 21, 1999 11:09:05 AM.
Copyright © 1998 Santa Barbara Instrument Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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